Welcome To My Little Space

Follow me as I share the struggles, triumphs and craziness of life as a mother of three, personal trainer and national level NPC bikini competitor.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chin Up Pretest

I did my chin up pretest today and I am excited to say I did 6 FULL chin ups. Meaning dead hang to chin over the bar. Ok, so maybe on my 6th chin up my chin got to just bar level not quite OVER, but I'm counting it! Workouts for the chin up challenge start this week!

I rocked zumba today. And by "rocked" I don't by ANY means refer to dancing well or looking good while doing it. I basically just mean it was fun and a great hour of lower intensity cardio.

I finished off diet week #1 at 132.4 lbs. The goal is to maintain around 133-134 for the next 3 weeks or so and then see how I'm feeling. Possibly do it again for another lb drop. The body fat monitor I have at home reads me 2% higher than the bod pod pretty consistently and it was at 19.3% before this week and now it says 18.8% so I was successful in losing my 1/2% this week. I'm assuming the bod pod would now read me in the high 16's.

It was nice to eat a normal amount of food today. I had about 1700 calories today. It felt good and I am very satisfied. My only "treats" were 2 hershey kisses and I had lots of veggies so I consider today a success!

Oh one more random thought. I had the BEST lunch today and I am so happy that I got so excited about this lunch. I had ... are you ready for this ... steamed assorted veggies with spray butter and salt, one of those microwave brown rice bowls (SO GOOD!!!) with agave and a little soy sauce and some grilled chicken. As I was eating it, I just had this thought. I am SO GLAD that my taste buds LOVE this food. Eating brown rice, chicken and veggies tasted wonderful and did not feel like drudgery. Of course you've gotta know how to make it though. I put 1 t. soy sauce and 1/2 T. agave on my brown rice and stirred it up and it was incredible.

Ok, those are my ramblings for the day. I have to do farmers walks this week... I feel kind of retarded doing them at the gym... I will report on how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. Your lunch sounds GREAT! And 6 chin-ups is an awesome starting point! I can do about 4 right now. And 1 wide pullup. :) But... I could probably do more if I lost 20 lbs and if I was consistent with doing them. Going to check out link you posted.

    Have a great Sunday!
