Welcome To My Little Space

Follow me as I share the struggles, triumphs and craziness of life as a mother of three, personal trainer and national level NPC bikini competitor.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm back and here's the plan

Ok, friends, if there are any of you out there. I have eaten my share of ice cream, chocolate covered bananas, kudos bars, restaurant fare, etc over the last week. I'm not weighing myself but I know it's got to be up there. I don't want to see the number.

There are 13 days until christmas eve. Here is the plan until then:

-1300 calories every day, no more, no less
-20 cups of water every day, maybe more, no less
-All of my supplements every day (fish oil, mv, calcium, glutamine, BCAA's, etc)
-Get my workouts in which i will write about here
-weigh in every 4 days, i don't want to be consumed

I am writing a meal plan for myself to follow for four days then I'll change it up.

I can do this! My goal is 130 lbs on Christmas Eve.

I have already started today with 60 min low intensity cardio and 3 c. water. Here's to an on plan day!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Heading to Disneyland!

Tomorrow we leave for disneyland! I weighed 136.4 on Monday after Thanksgiving and the weekend. Yikes. I really wanted to be at my low/normal before our trip so that I didn't come back even heavier. I busted it this week and got down to 131. I'm hopeful that tomorrow will be 130 and I'll be right on track. I swear I bloat up just looking at unclean foods. It is so annoying. And then I have to work HARD to get rid of the stupid water weight. Oh well. It is what it is and this is life if I want to stay lean. And I do. So it's worth it.

Tomorrow we're off to Disneyland for the week where I'm sure I'll put the bloat back on (but hopefully not as much...) and then bust my butt next week to get it off before Christmas. But, again, it will be worth it.