Welcome To My Little Space

Follow me as I share the struggles, triumphs and craziness of life as a mother of three, personal trainer and national level NPC bikini competitor.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Quick update

I'm going to see if I can start posting here again. I am going to try to post something most days of the week even if it is just a little tidbit.

Quick update: I did in fact do the competition. I loved every second of it and placed 2nd in natural and 3rd in Open. I plan on competing again this next year. Here is a glance at my goals for the next while:

Nov/Dec: Maintain weight of 129-131
Jan: Either build a little bit of muscle in my shouders and glutes or continue to focus on maintaining.
Feb: Prep for March show
March: NPC Utah (hopefully only a 5 week prep to lose 5 lbs)
April: maintain
May: short 2 week prep for Bodybuilding.com fit body show and expo
June: maintain and vacay to Hawaii and possibly start prep for nationals 1-2 weeks before hawaii so i can allow for time to chill out while there
July: 4 week prep for nationals - USA's at end of July
Aug: maintain
Sept: Short prep for Oct show
Oct: NPC UTAH (possibly)

Anyway, that's a quick run down of my goals. We are currently in the maintenance mode goal. Which is easier said than done during the holidays. To be honest, it kind of sticks b/c i feel like i'm dieting most of the time. It is fun to be able to indulge on the holidays and at parties though. And it is worth it to come out of the holidays having maintained my weight.

I'm at the high end of normal (132) now and we leave for Disneyland on Saturday. I have to hustle this week to get myself down to the low end of normal. I know these small weight changes may not mean much to some people. But for me, that's how I gain weight. Just one pound at a time. So I have to keep them off.

Anyway, I worked my glutes today and did an amazing spin class. I brought my clip in shoes and I was able to push myself way harder. But, omg! I keep the shoes in the garage and when i got them out in the spin room, A SPIDER CRAWLED OUT OF ONE OF THEM!!!! EW! It was little but still! Nast.

Ok, I'm off to bed. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. having your whole year planned out just totally motivated me. thanks for that post.
