Welcome To My Little Space

Follow me as I share the struggles, triumphs and craziness of life as a mother of three, personal trainer and national level NPC bikini competitor.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 59 - sicker and sicker still

I'm getting sicker each day. You might think I should stop all the exercising, and, yes, that idea has crossed my mind. BUT, during the day I feel pretty good, just a bad sore throat. But my body feels fine. It's just the nights that I feel really crappy. AND I realize if this turns into a bad cold I will have to take some time off. So I'm saving missed workouts for if I get even sicker. Hopefully that time won't come.

Tonight we went out to eat with my mom who is staying the night with us. I tried hard but wasn't perfect. But I'm fine with it. I ordered a bbq chicken salad minus the tortilla strips and cheese. It was just chicken, veggies, bbq sauce and ranch on the side. There was a lot more bbq sauce on top than i thought there would be. I should have asked for it on the side but oh well. I only used prob 1/4 of the dressing they brought me. For my approach (liveable and enjoyable contest prep) I did great.

Here are the deets:

Weight: 134.6 (Woot woot!)
Sleep: 8.5 hours
Cardio 1: 6am, 40 min elliptical
Lift: 10am, back, 30 min then tanning
Cardio 2: 10 mile bike ride, 35 min
Calories: 1467 (47/141/127)
Water: 29 cups

I don't expect to lose today b/c of the mini free meal tonight but I am already almost at my goal for the week and I've lost 2.4 lbs so far this week, so I will be ok with a maintanence day.

I'm off to bed. Yes, at 9pm.

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