Welcome To My Little Space

Follow me as I share the struggles, triumphs and craziness of life as a mother of three, personal trainer and national level NPC bikini competitor.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

NPC Bikini - Oct 9th - 9 weeks out

That's right, folks! I am doing it once again! But this time I'm doing it right. If you don't know, last year I decided 10 days before the competition to compete. Most people diet and train for 12 weeks for these types of things. I basically dehydrated myself and went out there. I learned a lot of what NOT to do though so I wouldn't say it was a total waste. A big thing I learned was that my pale body can not do on spray tan alone. So, against my principles, I bought a 2 month membership to the tanning salon. I know, I know. Naughty. You don't need to tell me.

Anyway, Mike Davies is doing my nutrition. I will be writing my workouts. Sandy Hancock will help me with posing and presentation. I think I've got myself covered.

Here are some goals I have over the next 9 weeks:

1. I will be about 13-15% body fat on show day. I am competing in bikini which is a softer look in figure. I think this will be low enough.

2. To be at that bf% my weight will be between 126-128 lbs. I haven't seen the 120's since... maybe ever? I think I skipped those when I was 12 years old. Prob due to the frosting I used to eat in my pantry with the door closed. Oops.

3. I want to do this prep happily and keep my family happy. If I notice myself becoming crabby at them due to lack of carbs I will change something. Even if it means me coming in a little softer. They are number one. I also don't want my workouts to take up too much of our family time. BUT, they do support me and realize that this is a big time commitment.

Are you guys ready to follow my journey? I am so excited! I won't be posted the exacts of my nutrition plan because I am working with a nutritionist. But I will try to post daily about my workouts and general nutrition info.

I will post my 9 week out pictures and measurements tomorrow! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. HOORAY! Love following other girls going for bikini shows! I am doing one on Nov 13th. EXCITED! (going downstairs for some am cardio now.)
