Welcome To My Little Space

Follow me as I share the struggles, triumphs and craziness of life as a mother of three, personal trainer and national level NPC bikini competitor.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 60 - Ouchy...

My throat is still on fire. So far it hasn't turned into a cold and for that, I am grateful. Today was hard. I am in the process of quitting my job at the gym and it is proving more difficult than I thought it would be. And Brandon is out of town so that seems to make my weeks much more stressful. I feel emotionally drained right now. And I feel like eating cheerios. So I brushed my teeth.

I lost 1.2 lbs yesterday! I am at my lowest weight since gaining a few lbs. (If you don't know, I maintained 133-134 for a long time. Then I trained for a 55 mile bike race and used it as an excuse to eat too much - I was so hungry all the time! I put on 8 lbs and 5 percent body fat in the process.)

Here are today's deets:

Weight: 135.2
Sleep: 7.5 hours
Workout time: 1 hour 35 min
Lift: chest/arms/abs: 35 min, 10am
Cardio 1: 30 min swim, 6am
Cardio 2: 30 min stairs and sprints, 3pm
Calories: 1371 (27/135/157)
Water: 2 gallons

Tomorrow I am going to a restaurant with my mom and the kids. I will order a grilled chicken salad with just veggies on it. I will order their light dressing and just use half. There. Hold me to it.

Have a great night!


  1. It's hard girl- but hang in there! I would have already given up with the scratchy throat and been like- eh - I'll start when its gone!! Haha- so good for YOU!!! Which gym are you quitting your job at? Sweaty Chix or the one that replaced Gold's on State Street?

  2. I actually have been training at Anytime Fitness for a year and a half and that's what i'm in the process of quitting.
