Welcome To My Little Space

Follow me as I share the struggles, triumphs and craziness of life as a mother of three, personal trainer and national level NPC bikini competitor.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I munched and munched at my parents house today. Yikes. I lost track of my counting when I was getting over the 2,000 mark. Whoops. A lot of people ask me what to do after days like today when you just flat pig out. Some would say just go back to your regular plan the next day and that is definitely a good answer. Another option though to do about once a week so that you can eat a little higher calorie the rest of the week is Intermittent Fasting. It is perfectly fine and can be good for your system to incorporate either small fasts often or weekly-monthly 24 hour fasts. I have a hard time fasting for 24 hours even for religious purposes so when I use IF methods I usually fast until about noon the next day. No, this will not slow down your metabolism. Yes, breakfast is still important. This is just another idea to try. You might hate it, you might love it. You do your own research and see if it's something you'd like to try. I will be incorporating one of these days tomorrow.

Weight: 133.8 lbs

Water: 10 cups (way low for me)

Workout: off

Nutrition: didn't track but probably close to 3,000 calories.

Do you guys ever pig out like this? Tell me I'm not the only one...

I usually eat more 1-2 days a week but only about 1x/month does it usually get this high. That's ok, though. There's my one time a month. It's outta my system now. Oh, crap, though. Next week's Easter. ;-)


  1. Hi Lindsey--

    I found this blog through your LBHF site and loved this advice! I tend to do the same thing and I've found that a gallon of water and no food until lunch works wonders for getting me back on track (more Mondays than I'd like to admit)! Sundays are our family dinner too, and the snacks seem to win every single time. Thanks for your candor and please know that you made my morning by sharing your progress and plan for today--I'm right with you.

  2. Thanks Jenny! I wish it turned out as good as planned though... see my next post. How did your fast go today?

  3. Bless your heart! All was well most of the day...I caved and had an after-dinner snack of arctic zero and a vitatop...not a total disaster, but I'm wishing I'd just brushed my teeth and called it a night. Here's to today being better!
