Welcome To My Little Space

Follow me as I share the struggles, triumphs and craziness of life as a mother of three, personal trainer and national level NPC bikini competitor.

Monday, April 18, 2011

No redemption today

Today was crazy. I start my next boot camp tomorrow and a big ad goes out in a BYU email that goes to 120k people so I had a ton of work to do today to prepare for tomorrow. I was a bit stressed and a lot busy and the fast day didn't quite work out for me. I didn't track very well (I counted but didn't track), didn't drink very much but I worked out SUPER hard! So that's one point in my favor.

I'm going back to just weighing myself once a week so I won't be listing that every day for now.

Workout: 50 minute leg workout - hit two pr's today:

1-Romanian Deadlift - 135 lbs (a 45 on each side) 3 sets of 8 reps and THEN a set of 10 reps

2 - Walking Lunges - holding two 35's - 2 sets of 10 reps on each leg

Woot, woot! My legs will be sore b/c it is only 12 hours later and they already have that "tired - pre - sore" feeling. Love it. Hope I can make it through camp tomorrow!

Water: 16 cups - I know a gallon's not low but I drank most of it earlier today so I don't feel like I've had enough water recently.

Nutrition - 1700 calories - so not a high day - that's right around maintenance for me. But after yesterday I was hoping for some redemption. This just means the rest of the week has turned into a "diet week". But you know what's funny about that... when I eat too much that it warrants a diet week/few days, I welcome it because it means I've eaten too much and most likely feel yucky and "thick". (I hate the F word - fat - I haven't used that word in years). So it isn't a bad thing. It's just a ... thing. That's just how it is. Gotta suck it up.

Words of wisdom today: If you want to maintain your weight you can't eat whatever you want when you want it. You'll most likely gain weight. You will probably have some "diet days" thrown into your maintenance journey and that is ok. It is what it is.

Do you struggle to maintain your weight?

I do but it is worth it. I have to always be conscious of what i'm eating. There is always 5 lbs knocking at my door just dying for me to let it in. :-)

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