Welcome To My Little Space

Follow me as I share the struggles, triumphs and craziness of life as a mother of three, personal trainer and national level NPC bikini competitor.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My thoughts on one week without cardio

This week has been amazing. I've had SO much more time, my workouts are more enjoyable and I've made myself push even harder through them. I've really been excited to go to the gym because I just get to stick to what I love! I took all of wednesday OFF and today OFF! Seriously, talk about awesome. Here's what the week consisted of:

Sun: off
Mon: 60 min leg workout
Tues: bits and pieces of boot camp (taught), 50m arm/shoulder workout
Wed: off
Thurs: parts of boot camp, 50m arm/chest workout
Fri: 50m back/shoulder workout

My average calories were about 1750 over the course of the week.

I know what you're wondering. Did I gain weight? Calories stayed the same. Cardio taken away.

Last week: 133.4 lbs
This week: 133.6 lbs

NOPE! Amazing, isn't it?! Hopefully this week goes just as well!

I hope you all have a great easter! I'll report tonight on how I did today with all the candy around and I promise, i'll be honest. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Lindsey! THANKS for the tip on the Fage yogurt. I'm heading to Costco today so I'm going to try it! I'll let you know what I think!! I love your idea of subbing it for sour cream too, so I'll be perusing your blog for some good recipes. Thank SO much!! Love your blog. You're darling :) xoxoxo
